Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. Psalm 68:5, ESV 

The Widows of African Relief Ministries

Our goal is to help the widows of South Sudan become stronger in two ways: economically and spiritually. Doing so will encourage them to thrive socially and psychologically. Since ARM began in 2003, we've helped over 1,000+ widows with micro-finance programs to help enable their self-sustainability, and currently there are more than 500 widows living in Gambella.

The widow’s micro-finance program project supports approximately 40 goat-invested widows, 50 green vegetable invested widows, 60 dried fish invested widows, 40 chicken invested widows, 60 restaurant food sellers widows, 50 vulnerable widows making up a total of 300 beneficiaries. It gives them the ability to begin raising small start-up capital that will provide them with a source of income. 

In 2023, the ARM team's follow up observations, stated, "we have seen women who participated in the Micro-finance project not only became able to earn an income, but also gain confidence and started behaving in a more positive way. Despite that, in the male-dominated society, even today women are considered
Weak - especially widows. Women still depend on their family members for anything. They even don't have liberty to take their personal decisions due to which they fall behind. Widow, divorced, deprived and single mothers are not respected in this area of African society leaving them helpless. They somehow manage to survive without any source of earning potential, facing so many hardships."

Widows who were struggling to survive are now equipped to provide for themselves (Jeremiah 49:11).

You can support the work of empowering and funding the livelihood and trades of widows by providing food, clothing, shelter, and training.

Click the Donate button below to give a recurring gift securely with PayPal:

Their Stories Are Those of Hope!

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